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- チャンネルの購読はに限られます
- チャンネルの購読はに限られます
- チャンネルの購読はに限られます
- チャンネルの閲覧には倖田來未 公式SNS " peeproom "へのアカウント登録/ログインが必要です
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Ossu, minna-sama~! I just want to dedicate this to everyone who is a member of peeproom, and I just want to thank you all for helping me become a part of a huge family, especially Kuu-chan and her staff for making this website! I'm glad that peeproom is there today, because now, Kuu-chan's fans can talk to each other and get to know each other as well. All of us fans can now come together as one big family because of this. Once again, I'm truly happy to be with all of you from many different places. Being from India, there's pretty much no one I can fangirl about Kuu-chan with here, so this is really amazing for me :D Again, thank you all so much. I hope we can stay as a family for a long time. I'm sorry, but I don't know enough Japanese to translate this, so I'll just say a huge ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU to all of you! :D Love you all!