About this site

株式会社リボルバーが開発したソーシャルネットワークサービス構築システム「Revolver」を利用した会員制コミュニティサービス「Revolver Community」をベースとして構築されています。
peeproom is the original social network for Japanese female artist Kumi Koda and her fans, being operated by Avex Marketing Inc. This site is designed and composed based on Revolver Community, that is the web based platform to unite passionate people with strong interests in the something special. Please check the website http://rvlvr.co, if you would like to know more about Revolver.
peeproom provides the space to communicate with other fans and also do sometimes with Kumi Koda herself. Its basic features are sharing photos, links, and texts. Please enjoy this new fantastic social networking service with your original contents.